Ramp 跳板
Ramp/hatch cover (跳板)舱口盖
Rate 费率 Rate of demurrage 滞期费率
Rate of discharge (discharging) 卸货率
Rate of freight 运费率
Rate of loading 装货
Receiving dates 收货期间
Recharter 转租
Recovery agent 追偿代理
Redelivery (redly) 还船
Redelivery certificate 还船证书
Refrigerated (reefer)container 冷藏集装箱
Refrigerated (reefer) ship 冷藏船
Register 登记,报到
Register (registered) tonnage 登记吨位
Registration 登记,报到
Registro Italiano Navale (R.I.) 意大利船级社
Release a bill of lading 交提单
Release cargo 放货
Remaining on board (R.O.B.) 船上所有
Removable deck 活动甲板
Reporting point ( calling-in-point) 报告点
Reposition containers 调配集装箱
Respondentia loan 船货抵押贷款
Return cargo 回程货
Return load 回程装载
Reversible laytime 可调配的装卸时间
Roads (roadstead) 港外锚地
Rolling cargo 滚装货物
Rolling hatch cover 滚动舱单
Roll-on roll-off (Ro-ro) 滚上滚下
Roll-on roll-off ship 滚装船
Rotation 港序
Round voyage 往返航次
Round the world (service) (R.T.W.) 全球性服务
Run aground 搁浅
Running days 连续日
Safe aground 安全搁浅
Safe berth (s.b) 安全泊位
Safe port (S.P) 安全港口
Safe working load 安全工作负荷
Safety radio-telegraphy certificate 无线电报设备安全证书
Said to contain (s.t.c.) (提单术语)内货据称
Sail 航行,离港
Sailing schedule (card) 船期表
Salvage charges 救助费
Salvage agreement 救助协议
Salve 救助
Salvor 救助人
Saturdays,Sundays and holidays excepted (S.S.H.E.X.) 星期六、日与节假日除外
Saturdays,Sundays and holidays included (S.S.H.I.N.C) 星期六、日与节假日包括在内
Scancon 斯堪人航次祖租船合同
Scanconbill 斯堪人航次祖租船合同提单
Scantlings 构件尺寸
Special commodity quotation (SCQ) 特种商品报价
Scrap terminal 废料场
Single deck ship (s.d.) 单层甲板船
Sea waybill
Secure (to) 固定
Segregated ballast tank 分隔压载水舱
Self-sustaining ship 自备起重机的集装箱船
Self-trimming ship (self-trimmer) 自动平舱船
Self-unloader 自卸船
Semi-trailer 半脱车
Separation 隔票
Service contract 服务合同
Shears (shear-legs) 人字(起重)架
Sheave 滑轮
Shelter-deck 遮蔽甲板船
Shift 工班
Shift (to) 移泊,移位
Shifting charges 移泊费
Shipbroker 船舶经纪人
Shipping 航运,船舶,装运
Shipping instructions 装运须知
Shipping line 航运公司
Ship's gear 船上起重设备
Ship's rail 船舷
Ship's tackle 船用索具
Shipyard 造船厂
Shore 货撑
Shore gear 岸上设备(岸吊)
Short sea 近海
Short shipment 短装
Shortage 短少
Shortlanded cargo 短卸货物
Shut out (to) 短装
Side door container 侧门集装箱
Side-loading trailer 侧向装卸拖车
Similar sbustitue (sim.sub.) 相似替换船
Single hatch ship 单舱船
Sister ship 姐妹船
Skid 垫木
Skip 吊货盘
Sliding hatch cover 滑动舱盖
Sling 吊货索(链)环,吊起
Slop tank 污水箱
Slops 污水
Slot 箱位
Special equipment 特殊设备
Specific gravity(s.g.) 比重
Spiral elevator 螺旋式卸货机
Spreader 横撐(集装箱吊具)
Squat 船身下沉
Starboard (side) 右舷
Statement of facts 事实记录
Stem 船艏,装期供货
Stem a berth 预订泊位
Stern 船尾
Stevedore 装卸工人
Stevedor's (docker’s,hand) hook 手钩
Stevedoring charges 装卸费用
Stiff 稳性过大
Stranding 搁浅
Strengthened hold 加固舱
Strike clause 罢工条款
Strike-bound 罢工阻碍
Strip (destuff) a container 卸集装箱
Strip seal 封条
Stuff (to) 装集装箱
Sub-charterer 转租人
Sub-freight 转租运费
Subject (sub.) details 有待协商的细节
Subject free (open) 待定条款
Subject (sub.) stem 装期供货待定
Subrogation 代位追偿权
Substitue 替代船,替换
Substitution 换船
Suit time 起诉期
Summer draught 夏季吃水
Summer freeboard 夏季干舷
Support ship 辅助船