专线俄罗斯国际货运代理,长期运作俄罗斯货代业务:海运、空运、陆运 物流货运专家。一站式对俄贸易清关、税项、结汇代管方案;及中国、香港、澳门出入口报检报关等。长期大量仓位和对俄各港口清关、合法文件及税务保证。 Russia's international freight forwarding line, long-term operation of the Russian freight forwarding business: shipping, air transport, ltransport logistics expert. One-stop trade with Russia customs clearance, tax, foreign exchange hosting programs; China, Hong Kong, Macau import export procedures and customs declaration. Long-term available cabins offering and Russian's import declaration,documentation and tax clearance guarantee
主要服务:整箱海运 | 拼箱海运 | 空运
优势航线 海运:欧地
马士基(MSK)|地中海(MSC)| |